Schedule a call with Doug | or call (587)352-ZEAL

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Meet Doug Brown

Director of Sports Performance


With a Masters in High Performance Coaching and Technical Leadership, Doug’s background of over 15 years as a strength and conditioning coach gives him a unique perspective that he uses to lead our team of coaches. Having worked with athletes across multiple sports who have competed the highest levels of their sport Doug draws on that experience to help develop the future athletes of tomorrow. Doug is a professional coach who is passionate about developing elite, well-rounded athletes and people.

What programs are you interested in?


Our coaches teach high performance movements and habits to help teens & young adults learn to train, excel in sport, stay injury free, and grow into well-rounded adults .

- Measure your body composition, muscle mass, and fat mass in 3 minutes.

- No pinching or dunking with this reliable body composition test.

- Receive a printout of your results.

- Sit down with our coaches to discuss your results and a plan of action!

Try your first session FREE

One of our coaches will contact you within 24 hours

We focus on teaching movement for life. In these sessions, kids are taught movement patterns that are being missed in Physical Education programs. Kids learn to skip, run, sprint, jump, land, and throw. By building a strong foundation for movement, kids develop with a higher physical capacity.

Learn to move, move more, and move longer with these sessions, regardless of your age and potential limitations. If you want to keep doing what you love to do, join us. Choose from 35-min or 50-min sessions. We are changing the way Albertans age in a fun, safe, and engaging environment.

We write good emails. Join our mailing list.

900+ Subscribers & Growing

Plan for about 15 minutes total, 2-3 minutes for the scan and the remaining time for any questions you may have.

Watch the video on how to get to Zeal Performance. We highly recommend you watch the entire video if you've never been to the Springborough Professional Center.


30 Springborough Blvd SW

Unit 208

Rules for testing:

(1) Do not eat or drink prior to the test. If you are testing before a workout, bring a snack for after your test. If you have to have a coffee before this test, make sure to have a coffee before your next test -- we want to test and re-test in consistent conditions.

(2) Use the washroom prior to your test.​

(3) Wear tight fitting clothes with minimal metal (zippers, belts, buckles)

​(4) Take off jewelry prior to testing​

(5) Do not take the test if you are pregnant or have a pacemaker. If you are currently menstruating, your test results may be slightly less accurate due to fluctuating water weight.

(6) Do not exercise prior to taking the test.

Find Us:
208-30 Springborough Blvd

SW Calgary, AB T3H0N9​

Contact Us:

[email protected]
